
The best way to learn data science is to DO data science! Data Scientist (n.): Person who is better at statistics than any software engineer and better at software engineering than any statistician. – Josh Wills, Director of Data Engineering at Slack ## Getting up to speed quick

RStudio cloud offers a set of primers (simple tutorials) covering the basics of programing to writing functions. They are short, yet effective at getting you used to R in as little time as possible.

RStudio Cloud Primers for R on RStudio Cloud

Learn by DOING with Data Camp

If you have a more time, Data Camp’s interactive courses provide more depth in introducing you to R or Python. With over 160 courses, you can learn everything from the basics to machine learning, applied statistics and dashboards. Data Camp also offers courses in SQL, Git, Shell, and spreadsheets.

Go here to sign up for a free account linked to BYU-I with Data Camp.

Here are some suggested courses on Data Camp to learn the fundamentals.

Free Introduction to R Programming Online Course Introduction to the Tidyverse Learn Python for Data Science

Data Camp has collections of courses that make up skill and career tracks that include the essential skills for different areas like Intro to Statistics or full on data science.

Dive into Data Science with Books

R for Data Science R Markdown: The Definitive Guide Advanced R R Packages Fundamentals of Data Visualization Happy Git and GitHub for the useR plotly for R An Introduction to Statistical and Data Sciences via R Chromebook Data Science